R&D Square

We change people's lives and society's future for the better.
With inquisitiveness and energy, our researchers and designers are taking on the challenge of creating innovation.

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R&D Topics
This is a list of topics related to Hitachi's research and development. Topics related to the development of new technologies and awards are listed.
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Behind the scenes
The joys, the hardships, and the dreams ... Join our researchers as they discuss the challenges they face, what keeps them going, and their dreams for the future.
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Industrial AI Blog
A technical blog to share Hitachi’s application of AI to real world challenges, leveraging our unique portfolio of IT-related digital technologies, operational technology (OT) and products.
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Insights from AI/Analytics
In this an age of complexity and volatility, we look to the real world using AI/analytics for insights to design technology and solutions for a brighter future. Join us as we discuss with key stakeholders and thought leaders on how we can use the insights gained to power good.
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A new form of co-creation
We will introduce initiatives that create great value by combining the knowledge and sensibilities of researchers and designers with those from inside and outside the company, including government, local governments, corporations, local residents, and academia.
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Backcasting R&D
We have established the technical issues that need to be addressed now by backcasting from the vision of future society.
Event Reports
This is a list of reports on events organized by the Research & Development Group of Hitachi, Ltd. The following is a detailed report of the event, looking back on its contents.
Easy-to-understand explanations of the technology and videos introducing the R&D group and its efforts to preserve the natural environment are available.

R&D Topics

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Behind the scenes

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Industrial AI Blog

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Insights from AI/Analytics

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A new form of co-creation

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Backcasting R&D

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Event Reports

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