Hitachi uses simulation to successfully identify high-risk attack scenarios that impact business continuity
Hitachi has developed a prototype system to implement Security Digital Twin technology*1 for assessing adverse impacts of cyberattacks on business continuity. Hitachi has evaluated the system’s utility and demonstrated its capability to identify high-risk attack scenarios through proof of concept (PoC) with a customer.
The Security Digital Twin is a technology developed by Hitachi that replicates a system operating in physical space in cyber space. When a customer’s system is attacked and security measures are implemented, the technology is able to evaluate the impact on business continuity.
A digital twin model of a customer’s system was configured for the PoC and attacks were simulated in cyber space. It was confirmed as a result that by using the Security Digital Twin, the technology could identify and visualize high-risk attack scenarios that would have an impact on business continuity. A graphical user interface enables managers (decision makers) to easily assess the impact on business continuity and facilitates communication between security personnel and managers.
Going forward, Hitachi will continue the development of the Security Digital Twin technology, as well as perform additional PoC to assess the impact on operations caused by countermeasures. Hitachi will contribute to the advancement of security industry-wide by optimizing the balance between customers’ operational continuity and security.

Figure 1 Overview of the security digital twin and the scope of effectiveness verified by PoC with a customer
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