Enables an organization to utilize security-related logs recorded in other organizations to detect attacks against the own network without a risk of information leakage

Hitachi Ltd., through collaboration with Keio University and Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc., has developed an analysis platform which allows other organizations to share their security-related logs (e.g., communication histories with the Internet, incident handling records) without sacrificing the confidentiality to improve detection capability against cyber attacks. Also, we have created an analysis logic program that runs on the platform to finds malicious web sites. Our technology makes it possible to utilize security-related logs from other organizations to detect cyber attacks while keeping their detailed contents secret. This technology is an essential foundation for our joint efforts towards realization of “Decentralized Security Operation”.

画像: Fig. 1 Procedure whereby the analysis platform utilizes data (e.g., network log) from other organizations for cyber-attack detection

Fig. 1 Procedure whereby the analysis platform utilizes data (e.g., network log) from other organizations for cyber-attack detection

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