News release overview

Hitachi Develops Technology for AI-Based Disaster Video Recognition

Achieves top level of accuracy in disaster video recognition task at international workshop TRECVID 2020

Tokyo, February 19, 2021 --- Hitachi, Ltd. (TSE: 6501, Hitachi) today announced that it has developed an AI technology that uses aerial footage taken by drones and helicopters to analyze disaster conditions with a top level of accuracy. In the event of a disaster, the technology enables precise recognition of the disaster site quickly, easily, and in much detail, even in places that cannot be immediately reached by people. In addition, the technology achieved top level of recognition accuracy in the disaster video recognition task DSDI (Disaster Scene Description and Indexing)(1) at TRECVID (TREC Video Retrieval Evaluation) 2020, a video recognition workshop hosted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology(2) in the United States. Going forward, Hitachi will promote social innovation supporting disaster responses using this technology and contribute to the realization of a resilient society as well as safety and security for people through collaborative creation with partners such as local governments, facilities maintenance and insurance companies.

(1) DSDI task
(2) National Institute of Standards and Technology (United States)

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