News release overview

Hitachi to establish "Lumada Data Science Lab."

Promoting the growth of Lumada business by combining technologies and expertise in data applications, and by building a positive spiral of R&D and business

画像: News release overview

Hitachi, Ltd. today announced that on April 1, it will establish the "Lumada*1 Data Science Lab. ("Data Science Lab.")" within the Kyōsō-no-Mori*2 facilities at the Central Research Laboratory. This new organization will promote collaborations by bringing together about 100 of the top data scientists - including researchers in the fields of AI and data analytics, and engineers and consultants with a deep knowledge of OT (Operational Technology), which is essential to the application of advanced data science and technologies in work processes - and leveraging their individual skills and expertise. At the Data Science Lab., these data scientists will use flexible ideas to match technologies with work processes and quickly conduct verification tests, to create new services and technologies that respond to even more complex and advanced customer needs.
Also, by incorporating diverse outside knowledge from the world's most advanced customers, partners, and universities, which gather at Kyōsō-no-Mori, Hitachi will strive to further improve the value of services through open innovations.
By establishing the Data Science Lab., Hitachi will build a positive spiral of R&D and business in the fields of AI and data analytics, and will foster top data scientists through practical activities involving data applications, expanding the facility's staff to around 200 by FY2021.

*1 "Lumada" refers to solutions, services, and technologies that apply Hitachi's cutting-edge digital technologies, to create value from the customers' data and drive digital innovations.
*2 "Kyōsō-no-Mori," a base for the collaborative creation of innovations, is located within Hitachi's Central Research Laboratory in Kokubunji, Tokyo.

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