The transportation sector is at the cusp of significant disruption, with new technologies, services, and business models coming on the scene. It has fundamentally upended the way we look at travel, both as a means of transport and as a holistic mobility experience. Despite the challenges, the sector’s traditional public versus private bifurcated operational structure is now converging, giving way to a new ecosystem that focuses on riders and delivers a seamless multimodal travel experience.

To examine these trends and Hitachi’s role, we invited experts who have worked in the transportation domain and helped shape it over time: Professor Daniel (Dan) Sperling, Founding Director of the Institute of Transportation Studies at UC Davis, Jian Sun from Hitachi Rail STS – Americas, Dean Bushey from Global Social Innovation Business-Americas, Hitachi, Ltd. and Yushi Akiyama from Corporate Strategy and Business Development at Hitachi America, Ltd. The roundtable discussion was hosted and moderated by Ravigopal (Ravi) Vennelakanti and Malarvizhi (Malar) Sankaranarayanasamy from Hitachi America R&D.

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